Carter Cathcart
See on this animes:
- Grappler Baki: The Ultimate Fighter as Baki Hanma
- Slayers as Vrumugun
- Mewtwo Strikes Back Evolution 22 as Meowth
- Grappler Baki: The Ultimate Fighter as Mitsunari Tokugawa
- Pokémon Journeys: The Series as James
- Pikachu to Pokémon Ongakutai as Meowth
- Mewtwo Strikes Back Evolution 22 as James
- Pokémon the Movie: Hoopa and the Clash of Ages 18 as James
- Pokémon the Movie: Hoopa and the Clash of Ages 18 as Meowth
- Pokémon Journeys: The Series as Meowth
- Pokémon the Movie: I Choose You! 20 as James
- Pokémon the Movie: I Choose You! 20 as Meowth
- Pokémon the Movie: I Choose You! 20 as Professor Oak
- Pokémon the Movie: The Power of Us 21 as James
- Pokémon the Movie: The Power of Us 21 as Meowth