Haruki Kadokawa
Staff on this animes:
Reign: The Conqueror as Executive producer
Harmagedon as Executive producer
Alexander: The Movie as Executive producer
Dagger of Kamui as Executive producer
Neo-Tokyo as Executive producer
Alexander: The Movie as Producer
Silent Möbius: The Motion Picture 2 as Executive producer
Yōsei-Ō as Executive producer
Phoenix: Chapter of Yamato as Executive producer
Toki no Tabibito -Time Stranger- as Executive producer
Weathering Continent as Executive producer
Bobby's Girl as Executive producer
Phoenix -Space- as Executive producer
Ys II as Executive producer
Madara as Producer
Utsunomiko: Heaven Chapter as Executive producer
Utsunomiko as Producer
Shōnen Keniya as Executive producer
Phoenix: Chapter of Ho-o as Executive producer
Xanadu Dragonslayer Densetsu as Producer
Hana no Asuka-gumi! 2: Lonely Cats Battle Royale as Executive producer
Heroic Legend of Arslan as Executive producer
Suikoden Demon Century as Producer
Tenjōhen - Utsunomiko as Producer
Five Star Stories as Producer