Victor Hugo Fernandes
See on this animes:
Howl's Moving Castle as Howl
Seven Deadly Sins: Four Knights of the Apocalypse as Lancelot / Sin
Seven Deadly Sins: Grudge of Edinburgh s as Lancelot
Hunter × Hunter -The Last Mission- as Gon Freecs
Akame ga KILL! as Emperor
Ancient Magus' Bride 2 as Garoto Misterioso
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Stardust Crusaders Battle in Egypt Arc as Jean Pierre Polnareff
Tokyo Revengers as Naoto Tachibana
Prince of Tennis II OVA vs. Genius 10 as Kintarou Toyama
Hunter × Hunter: Phantom Rouge as Gon Freecss
Orbital Children s as Tōya Sagami
Heavenly Delusion as Haruki Takehaya
Drifting Home as Yuzuru Tachibana
Tower of God as Bam
Interviews with Monster Girls as Kurtz