The world of Gatepia was once a wasteland, until a goddess arrived and summoned the many mystical Gates that are now scattered all over, including the Big Gate at its center. For ages, companies of adventurers have gone into the Gates, slain the monsters called muja inside, and retrieved the kirakuri that powers their society. Minato's father was one the President of Kibou Company, but he has since departed for the Big Gate. Yutoria, Minato's childhood friend, is the secretary of Kibou Company, and is so certain that Minato would make for a perfect new President that she doesn't give him much of a choice when she recruits him for the job. Now it is this one-time NEET's duty to lead his new employees and find a way to reverse Kibou Company's ailing fortunes.
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Super sadly this is the only one of its kind
1Induction as President
3Order Contest
4Treasure Hunt
5New Employee
6Business Goals