Baboo Factory is a very short anime, which is aired in the middle of a cooking program called Wagamanma Kitchen. The characters in Baboo Factory are cute alien creatures, called Baboos, based on the Playstation 1 game Astronoka. The Baboo in Astronoka were 3D polygon characters, but the Baboo Factory Baboo are normal 2D anime characters. The Baboo don't speak a human language. They just say "baboo baboo", and there are Japanese subtitles at the bottom of the screen.
Somebody surely must have worked on this piece of UMA cinema
Somebody surely must have worked on this piece of UMA cinema
You can add some if you want uwu (maybe)
Related Work:
1The intruder from the window
3Picnic in the wilderness
4Dr. Tenkafun's Baboo Lecture part 2
5The mushroom hunting strategy
6Kyoufu no Kousaten
7Ayashii Kinomi