A giant demon bear named Akakabuto has taken over Futago pass. Shortly after, a silver, tiger-striped Akita pup named Gin is born and is trained as a bear-dog. Gin is brought to Riki (the leader of a large pack of dogs and Gin's father) to join the pack. Riki let's him join after proving his strenght and sends his platoons to all parts of Japan to recruit strong males to fight Akakabuto.
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Related Work:
Super sadly this is the only one of its kind
1The Small Hero... Silver's Birth!
2Gin's Effort For The Other Side...There Is A Tomorrow!
3Now We Know Silver's Friendship Is For Life!
4The Challenge Of Akakabuto's Bear Family!
5Victory! Although The Scars Come!
6Howl! The Mountain Calls!