Kota Shibaki is a perverted high school student in the Mysterious Discovery Club (MDC). When the MDC finds a witch summoning manual, Kota uses the text to wish for a girl's panties. Later, when his wish comes true, a witch named Rurumo appears and tells him he has 2 days to live. However, once Rurumo gets to know Kota she decides not to kill him and is demoted to a witch trainee. As a trainee Rurumo cannot use magic unless her contractor, Kota, makes a wish. Furthermore, Kota is given a book of magical tickets to make wishes. Once Kota has used up all the tickets Rurumo will be made a full witch again. However, unbeknownst to Rurumo, when Kota uses up all the magic tickets he will die. As Kota contemplates the dilemma he is in, between helping Rurumo and living, a peculiar relationship blossoms.
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1I Will Grant You Your Wish
2Dream Cohabitation
3Magical Girl Showdown
4Inoue-san the Student Monitor
5First Errand
6Incident on a Rainy Day