Milk-chan is a drooling, potty-mouthed baby who lives in an apartment with an obsolete robot named Tetsuko, a slug named Hanage, and an uncontrollable pet named Robodog. Whenever the President calls, Milk-chan and the gang rush to the scene to solve any type of problem - whether it's stopping a money counterfeiter hungry for Belgian waffles or counseling a school of drunk fish. At the same time, they have to avoid a nagging landlord, as they're six months behind their rent.
Related Work:
1Milk's Story of the Evil Spirits Go Marching In
2Milk's Story of From Giba-chan to Dioxin
3Milk's Story of Don't Give Up Sumi High Baseball Team!
4Milk's Story of the Return of the Young Master from the Planet
5Milk's Story of Rice Cakes Stretching and Shrinking
6Milk's Story of the Towering Homeless