Hana Kappa (aka Flower Kappa) follows the story the misadventures of a young Kappa called Hanna Kappa. Unlike other flower Kappa’s Hanna Kappa’s flower won’t stop changing. His grandfather tells him to wait until he’s older but Hanna Kappa wants his amazing adult flower right now. Meanwhile the evil Kuruwaneya Chyoubee orders his servant Garizoo to steal the priceless flower on Hanna Kappa’s head. Through friends and his own abilities Hanna Kappa is able to thwart Garizoo’s attempts, and make each day more fun than the last.
Coming soon™
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Super sadly this is the only one of its kind
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2momo kappachan / kahou wosagase !
3obake no mori / mahou nikakatta obaasan
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5gari robo , arawaru ! / zekkouchou , hanakappa !
6minna no tanaka sensei / raburabu de ranranran