Following his victory over RedSuns leader Ryosuke Takahashi, AE86 driver Takumi Fujiwara is challenged by the Lancer EVO-based "Emperor," a group known for taking decals of racing teams they defeat, cutting them up and placing them on their cars like a fighter plane kill board. Takumi's undefeated streak is on the line as his AE86 is virtually no match against the more powerful and more agile four-wheel-drive EVOs of the Emperor team.
Related Work:
CompilationInitial D: Battle Stage
CompilationInitial D to the Next Stage - Project D e Mukete
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Sequel ofInitial D
SpinoffInitial D: Extra Stage
1Act 1: Super Weapon Appears
2Act 2: LanEVO Corps Attack Akina!
3Act 3: Premonition of Defeat
4Act 4: Cold Victory
5Act 5: Countdown to Destruction
6Act 6: Goodbye, Eight-Six