Set in the Shinigami technical school for weapon meisters, the series revolves around 3 groups of each a weapon meister and a human weapon. Trying to make the latter a "Death Scythe" and thus fit for use by the Shinigami, they must collect the souls of 99 evil humans and 1 witch.
Related Work:
Super sadly this is the only one of its kind
1Resonance of the Soul ~ Soul = Eater, Becoming a Death Scythe?~
2I'm Definitely a Star! ~The Extremely Big Man, Revealed Here?~
3Becoming the Perfect Boy? Death・The・Kid's Magnificent Mission?~
4Witch Hunting Invocation!?~ Heart Throbbing■Graveyard Supplementary Class Lessons?~
5Soul's Form ~ Strongest Meister Stein's Entrance?~
6Freshman Gossip!~ Lots of Memories of Kid's First Attendance at Shibusen?~