Donner the lead reindeer of Santa’s sleigh, is now the proud father of a newborn buck fawn in which he and his wife named Rudolph. They soon learned that their son has an unusual feature, which is a glowing red nose that shines like a lightbulb. Knowing that his son will not be accepted by other reindeer due to his nose, Donner uses a fake nose over Rudolph’s actual nose whenever they go out in public with his secret being known only to Rudolph’s mom and Santa. This method worked for a while until Rudolph tries out his flying ability during the reindeer games in hopes of being eligible to be a sleigh pulling reindeer. He succeeded in his tryout and after getting excited that he passed, his fake nose fell off his real nose and the actual truth is now known to the other reindeer.
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Super sadly this is the only one of its kind
I'm sure they are working on it