Sazae Fuguta, married to Masuo and mother of Tarao, lives with her parents, Namihei and Fune Isono, in addition to her brother Katsuo, her sister Wakame, and Tama, the family's cat. The series depicts their daily life in the suburbs of Japan.
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Super sadly this is the only one of its kind
175 ten no tensai / oshiuri riyo konnichiwa / otou-san wa NOIROOZE no kan
2chotto hitokoto ookatta / juudou no kan / aki wa momiji no monogatari
3oisha-san no kan / michatta ! michatta ! / undoukai da YOOI DON
4fushi mizuirazu / sasurai no WAN kou / TEREBI daisen sou
5WAKAME ga futari / ten takaku RAION koe yu / KATSUO saidai no nayami
6KATSUO no DEITO / houmon gaku nyuumon / ienakiko monogatari