For her first year of high school, Fu Sawatari moves to Takehara, a scenic old town near Hiroshima, on the Inland Sea. Her father, who has passed away, grew up in Takehara. She loves taking photographs with her father's old film camera, a Rollei 35S. The story follows her and the friends who gather around her as she comes to love her new home. Episode 1 is a prequel to the OAV, and tells of the events between the death of Fu's father and their move to Takehara (which is where the OAV starts). Episode 2 begins with a very brief synopsis of the events told in the OAV, then continues where the OAV left off.
Related Work:
1So, This is My Beginning in Town
2So, This Day is Engulfed in Gentle Fragrance
3Appearance! So, That's Battling Girls
4So, The Sound of Shiomachi Island is Heard
5I did show up, Chihiro-chan!
6That's Something That'll Happen One Day / Something That Happened One Day