In a world ravaged by flooding caused by the ascension of the giant organic alien vessel Orphan from deep beneath the sea, two sides suddenly emerge in a battle for the future of humanity: those who wish for Orphan's success in leaving the planet, thereby stealing away all of the organic energy from Earth and annilihating all life except for those on the ship itself; and those who wish to prevent this from happening. Orphan's supporters, the Reclaimers, use living mecha, or antibodies, called the Grand Cher. Those who fight against the Reclaimers operate the battleship known as Novis Noah, and pilot the antibodies known as the Brain Powered. This is the story of the ex-Reclaimer Yuu Isami and a girl named Hime Utsumiya as they fight with their Brain Powereds to prevent the extinction of mankind and to discover what the true purpose of Orphan is.
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