The year is 1987 and 17-year-old Jotaro Kujo finds himself suddenly plagued by a ghost-like entity. Jotaro’s grandfather Joseph Joestar, a veteran of a fight to save humanity fifty years prior, arrives with his own supernatural aura and explains that this power, known as a “Stand,” physically manifests its user’s spirit and can be controlled by its user at will. The sudden emergence of these Stands is revealed to be caused by the revival of the megalomaniacal vampire DIO (the Joestar’s longtime enemy) whose awakening from his century-long slumber has triggered Stands to awaken down the Joestar family line, including in Jotaro’s mother whose uncontrollable Stand will ultimately kill her in a few weeks’ time. Jotaro, Joseph, and their allies have fifty days to locate DIO (using their Stands to thwart DIO’s network of devoted Stand-user minions along the way) and eliminate DIO himself in order to save Jotaro’s mother and prevent DIO’s ambitions of world domination.
You can add some if you want uwu (maybe)
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