Erin is a bright and curious 10-year-old girl living at the small Ake village with her mother Soyon. The residents of this community are all devoted to the nurturing of a special kind of reptile named touda. Big and powerful, the creature is an important military asset of the country. Soyon is a wise and extremely skilled beast veterinarian who does the crucial task of taking care of these huge animals despite being somewhat disdained by many people due to the prejudice towards her lineage and gender. Erin admires her and wishes to one day become an expert like her mother. Sadly, the mysterious demise of two Kiba, the strongest type of touda, convicts Soyon as responsible for the calamity. Erin must then travel to a faraway land where she grows up trying to grasp a deeper understanding of both animals and mankind.
Related Work:
Super sadly this is the only one of its kind
1Green-eyed Erin
2Soyon the Healer
3The Fighting Beast
4Secrets of the Mist
5Erin and the Egg Thief
6Soyon`s Warmth