Masaru, is a second year Junior High student, and is undefeated in battle, He meets the Digital Monster Agumon, who has escaped from DATS, a secret government organization. Despite terrible first impressions, the two become best friends by talking with their "fists". With others, Masaru and Agumon work to investigate various incidents involving the Digital World and Digital Monsters, to try and get to the bottom of things.
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1I am Masaru! Cockatrimon Attacks
2Burn, DigiSoul of Anger. The One Who Lurks in the Darkness, Flymon
3Genius Tohma Returns! Beat Meramon
4New Team's First Outing! Chase Drimogemon!
5Rush into the Digital World! Drimogemon's Trap
6Masaru-Agumon Combination Destroyed!? Hurricane Garurumon