The journey of young Satoshi (Ash Ketchum) of Kanto continues as he arrives in the Isshu (Unova) region, still aiming to be a Pokémon Master; he and his partner Pikachu meet up with new comrades Iris and Dent (Cilan). As Satoshi challenges the Gyms of the Isshu region and battles new rivals, there is danger lurking behind the scenes as criminal syndicates Team Rocket and Team Plasma each have their own dark agendas for all the people and Pokémon who reside in Isshu.
Related Work:
Part ofPokémon
RelatedPokémon the Movie: White - Victini and Zekrom 14
RelatedPikachu no Summer Bridge Story
SequelPokémon: Black and White: Rival Destinies
Sequel ofPocket Monsters: Diamond & Pearl
1To the Isshu Region! Zekrom's Shadow!!
2Iris & Kibago!
3Mijumaru! Meguroc! In the Knick of Time!!
4Battle Club! Mysterious Pokemon Appears!!
5Sanyou Gym! Satoshi vs. Baoppu, Hiyappu, and Yanappu!
6Abandoned Lot of Dreams! Munna & Musharna!!