In the Heian era, around 1000 years ago, a young boy of noble family named Ojarumaru is bored with his life of privilege. Meanwhile, three demons steal the power-stick of Enma, king of demons, and then lose it. Ojarumaru finds it, and uses it to transport himself to the present time. Here, he is befriended by a young boy named Kazuma, and becomes a member of his family. As time goes on, Ojarumaru makes many new friends, while dodging the comedic efforts of the three demons, Akane, Kisuke, and Aobee, as they try to recover the stick.
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1I am Ojarumaru
2The Little Brother Who Came from the Moon
3Everyone's Just Beginning
4It's Good to Take Things Easy
5Kazuma Likes Rocks Very Much
6Grandpa Tommy's Big Discovery