During Japan's Taisho Era (1912–1926), a scientist named Ayanokoji develops the Steel Angel—an artificial humanoid with superhuman physical abilities. While the Imperial Army wants to use the Steel Angel as a new means of modern warfare, Ayanokoji wants his creation to be a new step in the future of mankind. Thus, he defies orders from the Army and secretly makes the Steel Angel codenamed "Kurumi". Then one day, a young boy named Nakahito Kagura sneaks into Ayanokoji's house as a dare by his friends and stumbles upon Kurumi's lifeless body. A sudden attack by the Imperial Army shakes the house, causing Kurumi to fall on Nakahito. At that moment, their lips meet, and Kurumi wakes up from "the kiss that started a miracle".
Related Work:
Part ofAnime Complex Meta
SequelSteel Angel Kurumi 2
SequelSteel Angel Kurumi Encore
SequelSteel Angel Kurumi Zero
1Kurumi Stands on Solid Ground!
2Only One Master For Me!
3New Angel, Saki!
4Don't Hate Me!
5I Have a Kid Sister Now!
6Sisterly Love