Hibiki Kazaguruma is a sixth grader who meets an amusing little robot named Bureikin while coming home from school one day. Bureikin, a dancer from an alternate-dimension dance world, challenged the dance king for the throne and lost. He has been deprived of Dance Stones (the stones of dance power) and sent to the human world. To restore his power, Bureikin must collect all the Dance Stones scattered around Earth. Meanwhile, the Dance Stones cause chaos on the human world. To retrieve the Dance Stones, Bureikin fuses with Hibiki and transforms into a Dance Hero.
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Related Work:
Super sadly this is the only one of its kind
1The Dancing Hero?! Fall in Love with My Dance!!
2Attack On, Dancing Dinosaur!!
3Dancing Heroine!! Super Fluffy!
4Fidgety Dancing?! The Fingertip Dance!
5Rival Appear! Dance Brave!!
6Terror! Hell's Dancer!