Akihisa Yoshii, now in his third year in high school, continues his misadventures with Yūji, Mizuki, and other high school friends. Akihisa, however, is enrolled in a rather unique high school. In Fumizuki Academy, all of the students are given avatars with fighting abilities whose power reflects the student's academic success. With their avatars by their side, our characters explore deeper into what it means to be a friend and how they treat each other and why. While Shoko, the school's #1 student, endlessly tries to woo Yūji, Minami and Mizuki try to capture the romantic attention of the oblivious Akihisa.
Related Work:
1Everyone Swimming at the Beach!
2Me and Yukata and Revelry!
3Me and that Girl and Plush!
4Me and Motive and a Man's Dignity!
5Me and Peeping and Training Camp!
6Me, a Peeping Tom, and the Brotherhood of Men!