In the bloody Warring States period of feudal Japan, many generals fought in an endless struggle for power, but one man proved to be too big a threat - The dark lord Oda Nobunaga. Sanada Yukimura and Date Masamune, two young warriors from different regions who become heated rivals, begin to form an unlikely alliance with the rest of the generals to take down the Devil King.
Related Work:

Alternate RetellingSengoku Basara: End of Judgement

SequelSengoku Basara - Samurai Kings 2

Side StorySengoku Basara - Samurai Kings

SpinoffGakuen Basara: Samurai High School
1Azure and Crimson, a Fateful Encounter!
2Horrific! Confrontation at Okehazama!
3Vagabond, Maeda Keiji!
4Wavering Scarlet Flower â Loyalty that Brings Sorrow!
5Brutal! The Righteous Battle of Nagashino and Shitaragahara!
6Bonds Torn Asunder â Mortifying Retreat for Masamune!