In this spin-off of the 2002 Disney animated film "Lilo & Stitch", the mischievous alien genetic experiment Stitch, a.k.a. Experiment 626, crash-lands on Izayoi Island, a small island in the Ryukyus. Befriending a young, tomboyish, karate-loving girl from the island named Yuna, he learns about and befriends magic creatures who live on the island called yokai and is introduced to the Chitama Spiritual Stone, a large magic stone in the island's Chitama Forest that is the life source of the yokai and can grant wishes to anyone who does 43 good deeds. With the help of Yuna, Stitch's creator Dr. Jumba Jookiba, and Jumba's partner Pleakley, Stitch sets out to do the necessary good deeds—a task easier said than done due to his destructive programming—to get the Stone to grant his wish: to gain ultimate power and become the ruler of the universe.
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