In the year Universial Century 0079, humanity lives in space colonies called Sides. Side 3, the Principality of Zeon, has declared war on the Earth Federation. After the intial fighting, an 8-month stalemate occured. However that stalemate breaks when Amuro Ray stumbles into the Gundam, the Earth Federation's secret weapon. Now Amuro and the crew of White Base must stand up to Zeon in order to end the war.
Related Work:
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Alternate RetellingMobile Suit Gundam G40
CompilationMobile Suit Gundam - The Movie Trilogy
Part ofGundam
PrequelMobile Suit Gundam: The Origin
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RelatedMobile Suit Gundam: Cucuruz Doan's Island
SequelMobile Suit Zeta Gundam
Side StoryMobile Suit Gundam Battlefield Record: Avant-Title
SpinoffMobile Suit Gundam MS IGLOO: The Hidden One Year War s
SpinoffGundam: Mission to the Rise
SpinoffMobile Suit Gundam 0080: War in the Pocket
SpinoffMobile Suit Gundam: The 08th MS Team
1Gundam Rises Upon the Earth!!
2The Order to Destroy Gundam
3Attack the Enemy Supply Ship!
4The Battle to Escape from Luna II
5Breaking Into the Atmosphere
6Garma Strikes