This is the sequel of Tokyo Majin, only this time in the beginning the brave fighters have to fight against a dark assassination organisation made for killing. The organisation is known as the 'Dancing Swords' they gather up people with good fighting skills and awaken power just like Hiyuu's and everyones in order to assassinate others only making those who live above the law doing evil as their targets. Hiyuu, Aoi, Kyoichi, Sakurai and Daigo are attacked by these fighters from the organisation and have to fight against them...
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Related Work:
1Militant Fist Chapter: Twelve Divine Officers of the Militant Fist
2Militant Fist Chapter: Purging Roar
3Kenbu hen "Kokoro kara kawarou"
4The Fist Does Not take Life
5Fist That Protects
6Stars of Fate Chapter: Byakko Chapter "A Christmas Eve Without Smiles"