The ruler of the evil Phantom Empire, Queen Mirage, begins her invasion on Earth using an army of Choiarks and powerful monsters called Saiarks. Pretty Cures are dispatched to fight against the Phantom Empire threat. Hime Shirayuki, a princess from the Blue Sky Kingdom who was given the power to become Cure Princess by a being named Blue, flees to Japan when her kingdom is invaded by the Phantom Empire. They defended the Earth against the Phantom Empire.
Related Work:
1I Love Love! Cure Lovely is Born!
2Hime and Megumi's Friendship! The HappinessCharge PreCure is Complete!!
3The Secret Has Been Blown!? The PreCure's Secret Identity is Absolutely Secret!!
4The Transfer Student is a Princess!! Hime's Great Friendmaking Operation!!
5Megumi and Hime! The Big Help my Friend Operation!!
6Ribbon's Tenderness!! That's the Love of Cooking!!