Yūji Yagami is a high school student with an unusual problem. Yūji has developed a crush ob his mother, Nomi, who is abnormally youthful in both her looks and mannerisms. Nomi however, is oblivious to Yūji's Oedipus complex and unknowingly tempts him with her overly-passionate displays of affections to both her husband and son. The situation is further complicated when Yūji receives a love letter from someone else on Valentine's Day.
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Related Work:
Super sadly this is the only one of its kind
1A Fitting Mother for a Fitting Son / A Mother's Secret Exposed / A Mother's Love that Runs Deeper than the Sea / A Sleepless Night of Adolescence
2Desires for a Forbidden Relationship / A Kiss with a Mother's Taste / Bloodstained Valentine / Falling in Love
3Apologies for the Extra-maritial Affair / An All Too Dangerous Confession of Mother's Complex / Mitsuko Once Again...... / Huntress of Love ・ An Office Lady However