Tetsuo Tosu, a 47-year-old office worker, and his wife, Kasen, love their daughter Reika more than anything in the world, even though she has been through a rebellious phase. So when Tetsuo visits Reika after she's started to live on her own, and she won't explain how she got bruises like she's been beaten, he decides to hide and find out what's going on. Enter Reiko's boyfriend, Nobuto Matori, a brute who has beaten his ex-girlfriend to death and has ties to the yakuza. After he sees that Nobuto is the one responsible for the wounds on Reika's face, Tetsuo ends up killing the man. And so begins the fight of wits over life or death between "a normal, weak, middle-aged man" who is prepared to do anything to protect his family, and the fearless fighters from the underworld.
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