On one hot summer day in 1983, a transfer student named Maebara Keiichi comes to a peaceful rural village in Hinamizawa. There, he befriends his classmates Rena, Mion, Rika, and Satoko. Accepted as a full-fledged member of the "club," Keiichi and the gang plays all sorts of activities ranging from card and board games to hide-and-seek. But just as Keiichi was beginning to be assimilated in simple rural life, he stumbles upon the dark history of Hinamizawa. As Keiichi dives deeper into the mystery, he finds that his new found friends may not be all what they claim to be.
Related Work:
Part ofHigurashi no Naku Koro ni
SequelWhen They Cry - Kai
SpinoffHigurashi no Naku Koroni Gaiden Nekogoroshi-hen
1Onikakushi-hen Sono-1 Hajimari
2Onikakushi-hen Sono-2 Kakushigoto
3Onikakushi-hen Sono-3 Gishin
4Onikakushi Chapter - Part 4 -Distortions
5Watanagashi Chapter - Part 1 – Jealousy
6Watanagashi Chapter - Part 2 - Takano