Momoka is a high school student who's mastered the art of blending in after transferring from one school to another several times. Despite her ability to fly under the radar, she finds herself recruited by her new school's survival game club. Most of the other girls in the club are a bit eccentric in one way or another: there's the wealthy gun nut, the cosplaying otaku, and the seemingly cute girl with a terrifying dark side. Momoka, however, is just as eccentric herself.
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Super sadly this is the only one of its kind
1Joining the Club! / You Said You'd Join? I Lied! / I Wanted to Play a Realistic Survival Game
2Twin Tail Trap / Mental Training / Silent KILL or DIE
3She's Coming! The Woman Who Summons Storms Appears!! / She's Coming, Too! The Challenge of Hell's Children!!
4Boy Meets Girl of Destiny (lol) / Pigs Who Mock the Will to Lose Weight / My Platy House
5Ascension!? Silent Survival / The Unkillable Twin Tail / Crusade - Raganarok of Angels and Demons
6Revenge of Yayoi Isurugi, Student Council President! / Disgustingly Immoral Battle