The semi-coherent story of a pair of teenage intergalactic private eyes, Kei and Yuri. Their code name is "Lovely Angels", but they're better known—universe-wide, in fact—as the "Dirty Pair". Their arrival at the scene of a mystery is always a source of hope and dread, since: 1) they always solve the case, 2) wherever they go, something gets horribly wrecked, up to and including entire planets. Lucky for them—but not-so-lucky for the rest of the universe—there are always some sort of extenuating circumstances that support their most often-used phrase, "It's not our fault".
Related Work:
RemakeDirty Pair Flash
SequelDirty Pair
SequelDirty Pair: Project Eden
SequelDirty Pair: Affair on Nolandia
SequelDirty Pair: From Lovely Angels with Love
SequelDirty Pair: Flight 005 Conspiracy
1We'll Teach You How To Kill A Computer
2Do Lovely Angels Like Chest Hairs?
3Don't Fall In Love... Love Is Russian Roulette
4Pursuit Has The Smell Of Cheesecake And Death
5The Heartbeat Of Criados
6Lot Of Danger, Lot Of Dummies