The new anime takes place in "Crest Land," where the mysterious "B-Crystal" has started to go berserk. The main protagonist Kamon Godai lives in the south area of Crest Land, and is an energetic boy who loves B-Daman. However, he lost his all past memories of B-Daman and his family, except for his big sister Aona who lives with him. One day, Kamon meets Garuburn, a B-Daman at his local B-Daman shop, "B-Junk," and he finds Garuburn strangely familiar. Garuburn becomes his partner, and he returns to the B-Daman battles once again.
You can add some if you want uwu (maybe)
Related Work:
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2Vroom Vroom, I'll Sting You! Slot=Beedle!
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5Our Tune-Up! Convert Barrel!
6To be the Best! Cross Fight!